Mental Health
Durham Wellbeing Alliance offer same day advice
Monday- Friday 9-5 0300 3045527 for anyone needing to talk and seeking advice or support who are not already receiving help from another agency.
The Crisis team for mental health emergencies 24/7 are available via 111 option 2 or directly: 08000516171
There are separate First contact mental health practitioners for adults and young people, who are able to give initial advice and help for new problems - ask reception for an appointment.
Neurodevelopmental referrals for children's ASD or ADHD are usually done by schools using the online form
CAMHS accept self referrals for people up to the age of 18 years. Click for more information or call 03001239296 or
Self Help guides from our local mental health provider are available
When requesting a "Right to choose" Autism or ADHD assessments choose the provider you want the referral to go to before seeing the GP. Please look at the provider's website information to check you re eligible and complete and forms they will require before seeing one of the GPs about this. Our practice doesn't prefer or recommend any particular other provider. Our local TEWV provider is our most trusted partner but they do have a long waiting list.
Weight loss injections are only available for selected eligible patients with type 2 Diabetes. Mounjaro and similar drugs may be available in due course once the North East region have commissioned a service to provide and monitor these:
You can sign up to a public engagement session for more info:
Physical Health problems
Use NHS website for information and advice about a huge range of conditions.
Use 111 online to go through your symptoms or concerns for immediate advice.
As well as requesting doctor or nurse appointments you can ask to book directly with a physiotherapist or podiatrist for a recent musculoskeletal or foot problem respectively.
For longer term musculoskeletal problems, present for over 3 months, adults can self-refer to the hospital MSK team.
Longer term podiatry (foot) problems also have a self referral system.
For bowel or bladder issues in adults, you can self refer to the hospital team.
For contraception or sexual health services you can self-refer to community clinic.