Making An Appointment
New Patients
Anyone wanting to register with the Practice must first complete a questionnaire and the see the Practice Nurse for a health check before they can be accepted as a patient. This is to help us best provide you with services appropriate for you, and to make certain that our records of your health and illnesses are kept as up-to-date as possible.
It often takes many weeks before your old notes from your last practice are transferred to us, so the questionnaire and Health Check help us to get to know a little more about you before you become unwell.
Please note we are an Armed Forces Veteran friendly accredited GP Practice. If you are ex-forces please let your GP know in order to ensiure you get the best possible care available
As in every Doctor's surgery the Reception staff perform a very difficult task of balancing the needs of the patients with the limited number of available appointments.
Please help them to help you
Violent and abusive patients will not be tolerated and will be removed from the Practice List. NHS England will be informed and alternative GP provision will be found.
As well as requesting doctor or nurse appointments you can ask to book directly with a physiotherapist or podiatrist for musculoskeletal or foot problems respectively.
Patient Online
Please sign up at Reception if you wish to book and/or cancel appointments as well as order repeat prescriptions 24/7 online
You will need to come in person and bring some form of ID with you, preferably with a photograph attached in order to register for these services
If you have already registered for this service you can access it by CLICKING HERE
By Phone
Consultations with Doctors and Nurses are by appointment only. Appointments can be made either by phone or by calling in to the surgery in person.
To make an appointment by phone, please call 01207 215005
Our Receptionists are here to help you get the right service.
Please don't be offended if they ask what the problem is when you call to make an appointment - your answer may help you get an earlier, more convenient appointment.
Please remember
Each appointment is for one person only, and you should make an additional appointment if you would like more than one person to be seen.
Please remember to cancel your appointment as soon as possible if you are unable to attend at the time you had agreed to come, as wasted appointments greatly inconvenience other patients.